Arthroscopy Meniscus Reconstruction


Meniscectomy is a type of meniscus tear treatment in which a part of the meniscus is removed. This is done when an individual suffers from a type of a knee injury called meniscus tear. The surgical decision to remove all of or a part of the meniscus is taken based on the overall health, age, activity level, and the nature of injury of the patient. This meniscus treatment is performed by a team of orthopaedic surgeons. The doctor is likely to advise this surgery if they think that it is the best available treatment for you, depending on the exact location of the tear, its pattern, and size.

There are different types of a meniscus tear. A small meniscus tear usually requires no surgery and heals on its own through home treatment. A moderate to larger tear in the red zone of the meniscus is best treated with the help of a meniscectomy surgery. A tear in the white zone of the meniscus, on the other hand, is not treated with the help of meniscectomy surgery because there are fewer chances of healing.

Meniscus Repair

The meniscus is a rubbery ligament between the shinbone and the thighbone. Meniscus tear takes place when there is a solid contorting movement of the knee, especially when the knee is bent while the foot is firmly placed on the ground. It is one of the most common knee injuries among sportsperson who play football, cricket, and tennis, and people who perform high-impact activities.

A few people may suffer from meniscus tear due to ligament of knee degeneration that takes place with age due to several factors.

Pain, swelling and tightness may increase over several days if you have a meniscus tear. You may not be able to straighten your knee, and it may lock in position. It may be problematic for you to put weight on your leg or even walk normally like before.

Minor meniscus tears can heal by itself if there is a good blood supply to the area. However, some tears require arthroscopic surgery to fix the tear. It is important to rest and let the ligament heal. Ice packs and physical therapy helps with the recovery of a meniscus tear.

Different Approaches to Meniscus Repair Surgery

Only 10 percent of meniscus tears can heal by itself if there is an appropriate blood supply.

Most of the surgeries are arthroscopic surgeries in which a special device is used to view inside the knee and see the torn meniscus. There are different procedures, however, that can be conducted to repair or fix the meniscus and these include the following:

  • Meniscectomy: It can be partial meniscectomy or complete, that is, the torn meniscus can be partially removed or completely. It can be done as an open surgery or arthroscopic surgery.
  • Meniscal Repair: It can be performed open or arthroscopically and the preservation of the meniscus involved three aspects:
  • Repair of the torn meniscus
  • Non-surgical treatment of asymptomatic meniscal pathologies
  • Partial meniscectomy and resection
  • Meniscal Regeneration: Meniscal transplantation (MAT) can be performed to restore the meniscus. In this case, a graft is usually taken from the hamstring muscle to reproduce the meniscus.